Hi, guys! I am back! (And no, I am not dead). I know I have not posted in a hot minute, but I will make sure this wait does not happen again! Anyways, I will post about what has happened in the past 292 days! BUT… for now just some basic info:

  • In 5th grade
  • Loves to code in scratch and html 5
  • Also loves to draw, write, bike, play nerf, play baseball and more

Anyways, catch you guys later, bye!

P.S. We will change the site theme soon!

4 thoughts on “HELLO, INTERNET!

  1. Bro you haven’t posted in forever please post. And when are u gonna change the theme again.

  2. Hello john you might remember me from your old school this is liam im just wondering how u r doin

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