AMCM Aviation Summer Camp 2024

Hello everyone! This week, I went to an aviation summer camp at the AMC Museum at Dover Air Force Base. It was super fun, and met new people! Here are some of the highlights of the camp, plus a slide show of pics from the camp! The 1st day was just basically introducing ourselves to everyone and walking around the planes (the museum has a fleet outside). Tuesday was the fun day! That was the day we flew in a Cessna 172 and then did some flight sims! Btw, flying in a Cessna is way different than flying in a 737! Wednesday, we made a lunar habitat out of craft supplies. Thursday we had a presentation from the base K9 unit and Bedrock. They told us about their dogs and Bedrock gave us a challenge and once we solved it, we got challenge coins. Today was the last day, and we had a presentation about the NASA Artemis Project. So yeah, that basically sums up the camp! I hope you loved reading this post! John outttttt!

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